Friday, January 16, 2009

Amazing Week!

This week has been amazing! God has really been showing me a lot. We had some intense nights, intense prayer, intense worship, and intense growth. A few things God has been growing me in is learning to apply as much stuff to my life that I can, from the things I learn. I have been reading a lot, and also been getting poured into from others a lot as well. I want to apply as much of these things to my life as I can to make me the best me.

One of the first things that God is teaching me, which has been a lesson throughout the year here at MC, is to love people better. I just read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. It is an amazing book, and helped me learn how to love people more effectively, and to love them in a way they will receive it best.

Another thing God has been revealing to me is my pride. I'm a very proud person. This can be a good thing, but not necessarily. I am very proud and need to change it. I am trying to "take up my cross daily" and die to myself more everyday to become more Christlike. With pride causes me to be very cynical of others around me. I'm not a big fan of Christians, therefore I judge Christians a lot, and criticize what they do, but I'll go into that more another day. If I sit back, hold my comments, and think then I really see that their heart for people is great, but the actions just wouldn't reach me, and even if they wouldn't reach me, that doesn't mean that that they won't reach others. I hope other people don't judge me the way I judge them, this is why I'm working to change and conquer my thoughts. Not only am I trying to conquer my pride, and cynicism in my thoughts, but my destructive thinking about others and myself. I don't always have the most optimistic outlook on things, and am working to change that to be a better me.